Wednesday 24 November 2010

It's an ill wind....

One of the things I do here in Spain, to help make ends meet, and also to put some structure into my life ( I can't spend my whole time cleaning the pool!) is to run a market stall 2 or 3 days a week, so long as it's not raining (as if) or not too windy!

One of my fellow stall holders, is my mate Pape Sec. He's from Senegal, and he sells handbags mainly.


Members of the Jehovah Witness Church have been coming to the market lately.

Now Pape, like most Senegalese is a Muslim - but he is also a very friendly individual - and so he has spent a lot of time chatting with the 'missionaries' - especially as the female 'missionaries' like to look at his handbags - and he is not averse to a free book with pictures - even if it is a new testament gospel in French!

Also at the market, are many Moroccan stall holders. My immediate neighbour is Moustaffa who sells women's clothes in his large, metal framed and canvass covered stall.

Last week, Moustaffa  became a little upset about Pape's  feigned interest in the Jehovah Witnesses!

He berated Pape -- What would your family think??!! What would your Mother say??!! Think of your father!!!!

Pape, with a gleam in his eye replied - tomorrow - no market for me - I'm going to Church - and then I'm going to drink beer!!!!

Moustaffa - " you can't do that"......!!!!!

and then, all of a sudden, a tremendous wind came from nowhere - as it does sometimes in Spain - and concentrated all it's force on Moustaffa's stall. We all lent a hand and prevented the stall from blowing down - though it soon became very clear that it was only Moustaffa's stall affected.

'No habla malo de Christianity' - laughed Pape. 'No habla malo' Manana voy a beber cerveca!!
(Don't speak bad of Christianity                        Tomorrow I'm going to drink beer)

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