Tuesday 15 July 2014

Some sad news.........

A couple of weeks ago, after several months of virtually no rainfall, we had a ferocious storm, with thunder, lightning, torrential rain and giant hail stones. The mountains turned a January white in June and the caminos became rivers. The main dry river bed rambla, ran half a metre deep with muddy water, all the way to the Ria Almanzora.

The rambla running
While we were taking in this spectacle, we spotted a lone golden eagle struggling high in the sky against this deluge. 

Now I am very sorry to report that the Barranco has one fewer golden eagle; because while out walking the dogs this morning, they found its shrunken body.

I collected some of its still beautiful feathers.

Hopefully, new birds will take its place. I remember well the day we climbed up the mountain and witnessed a dozen young golden eagles departing on their annual migration. Perhaps one of those will return.
Young golden eagles starting their migration from the Sierra Estancias

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